Educate Maine is pleased to welcome three advocacy organizations to its work:  Fight Crime: Invest In Kids (law enforcement leaders), ReadyNation (business leaders), and Mission: Readiness (retired military leaders).  

These groups are led by Kim Russell, Director of Special Projects, who focuses on early childhood care and education. 

Here are some recent examples of their work:

It's Past Time for Maine to Fix Its Childcare Crisis

Maine Leaders Should Prioritize Childcare Funding

Business Leaders Share Cost of Childcare Crisis

Leaders Speak to Policymakers at Maine Children's Caucus

Students Building on Early College Opportunities

Maine Families Need Lawmakers to Support Childcare Industry

Group Renews Plea for Affordable Childcare

Invest in Maine's CTE Centers to Grow Its Economy

Competitive Compensation Key to Keeping Teachers

Industry Support for Childcare Reform


With the support of law enforcement leaders, business and others, Educate Maine is advocating fiercely in the state legislature for the support of high quality, accessible childcare. It's good for families, employers and most of all, our youngest Mainers!

Here's some recent examples of this advocacy work:

Childcare in Maine is Everybody's Business

Chamber Hears About Critical Need for Childcare

Committee Rejects Proposed Cuts to Childcare Pay

Workers Protest to Save Childcare Stipends, Pay

Group Pushes for Childcare Support in Maine

The Future of Maine Relies on Early Childhood Education

Law Enforcement: Cuts to Early Childhood Ed a Public Safety Issue


One of the biggest obstacles to recruiting and retaining Maine's educator workforce is the abysmally low salaries most Maine teachers receive. Educate Maine and its Teach Maine Center heard from hundreds of current and former teachers, including many who chose to work in other states, that the minimum salaries for teachers in Maine -- not only lower than other New England States, but among the lowest nationwide--could drive them from the profession. 

This week Executive Director Jason Judd testified at the State House on behalf of a bill that would increase minimum teacher pay in Maine. It's still not enough, but it's a start. 

Maine Educators Ask Legislators for Salary Boost